We drove to Nashville from Indiana for a plan that eventually turned sour (at least in the morning). Luckily I have passion for Historical homes not only for the historical aspect of it but also to feel how people from the past live their lives through the furniture of their homes and the land they kept. We drove for 20 minutes from Third Man Records and headed towards former President Andrew Jackson home (7th president of United States) The Hermitage. Andrew Jackson played a significant role in our history for he after all started the Democratic Party. Although he is known to be a war hero and the "peoples president" Andrew Jackson was a supporter of slavery and kept over 150 slaves at The Hermitage. "National Historic Landmark – mirrors many stories in American history. These stories of Indians, white men moving west, slavery and freedom, the changing roles of women, religion and reform, and fortunes made from cotton are the stories of Jacksonian America" - The hermitage.com In the pictures I've taken you can still see A. Jackson's home before he built The Hermitage and how he converted his former home into a slaves house after moving to the mansion.
*all photos taken by L.Vitello, please do not reproduce*